UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024: The application is no longer available on the Samsung store, because Samsung decided to end the support for Tizen smartwatch apps (you can read more about this HERE). Because of this, we are forced to cease the development of the application on the Tizen platform. We, as developers on the Tizen platform,
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024: The application is no longer available on the Samsung store, because Samsung decided to end the support for Tizen smartwatch apps (you can read more about this HERE). Because of this, we are forced to cease the development of the application on the Tizen platform. We, as developers on the Tizen platform,
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024: The application is no longer available on the Samsung store, because Samsung decided to end the support for Tizen smartwatch apps (you can read more about this HERE). Because of this, we are forced to cease the development of the application on the Tizen platform. We, as developers on the Tizen platform,
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024: The application is no longer available on the Samsung store, because Samsung decided to end the support for Tizen smartwatch apps (you can read more about this HERE). Because of this, we are forced to cease the development of the application on the Tizen platform. We, as developers on the Tizen platform,